TEACH4EDU4 2nd transnational meeting held

Održan hibridni sastanak konzorcija projekta TEACH4EDU4
On Thursday and Friday, September 23-24, 2021, the hybrid 2nd transnational meeting MEED4EDU4 of the strategic project TEACH4EDU4 - Accelerating the transition to Edu 4.0 in HEIs was held at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin and on Zoom platform.

The aim of the meeting was to enable partners to meet in person and online to discuss ongoing and upcoming project activities and results, as well as to work in groups on the development of project intellectual outputs.

The meeting was hosted by the project coordinator - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI). The 30-month project is funded under the Erasmus + program of the European Commission in the total amount of 296,845.00 eur.

In addition to the Faculty of Organization and Informatics as coordinator, the partners of this project include the leading European universities in the field of informatics and related sciences and educational sciences: The Open University (United Kingdom), University of Zilina (Slovakia), University of Belgrade (Serbia), Tallinn University (Estonia), Universita degli Studi dell'Aquila (Italy) and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain).

The goal of this extremely important project is to advance higher education in the fast-growing field of information sciences,  to enable the teaching in line with the modern innovative world trends in hybrid and international environments and the needs of Industry 4.0.

Although the meeting had to be held in hybrid variant, the partners managed to discuss and actively work on the project results. The status of the project main results is, as follows:

  • IO1 Catalogue of new forms of teaching, learning and assessment in CS in Edu 4.0 and related teachers’ skills and competences was finished and used for further project work.
  • IO2 Learning design models - Teach4Edu4 tool was developed and presented to partners and teachers to work on the templates that will be redefined after their feedback and used for further project work.
  • IO3 Collaborative Teaching Methods for Joint Creative Classrooms - the partners and involved teachers work on 14 joint creative classrooms to be carried out and piloted.
  • IO4 Guidebook on the use of learning data to create evidence-based learning design decisions - the literature review on learning analytics and dashboards is in progress and includes the extensive work on 150 publications. The review included the analysis of full papers and focus groups with 12 university teachers. 

Throughout the meeting the partners used the unique opportunity to discuss the management of the project and questions related to quality assurance and risk mitigation in more detail. Also, the meeting included the Round table discussion with the associated partners of the project coming from industry.

The next project meeting is planned to be held in February 2022.

More information on the expected results and activities is available on the official project website: https://teach4edu4-project.eu/en.