Second summer school of the Erasmus+ project DEMO held in Romania

FOI students participated in the second summer school of the Erasmus+ project DEMO that was held in Bucharest, Romania from July 14th to July 19th 2024.

Four FOI students, Ana Škarica, Tara Nikolić, Barbara Krasić and Juraj Belajec, accompanied by FOI project team members Larisa Hrustek, M.Econ. and Karlo Nadoveza, M.Econ., participated in the second, improved summer school of the Erasmus+ project DEMO - Digital Platform Enterprise in Bucharest.

The summer school was organized by the leading project partner Politechnica Universtiy of Bucharest, and other project partners from Bulgaria Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, from Austria's Technische Universitaet Wien, and another project partner in addition to the leading SC Midor Digital Service from Romania. Like the first edition of the Erasmus+ DEMO summer school, this edition of the summer school was held in two parts. The first part was completely online and took place at the beginning of June and consisted of a series of synchronous lectures. At the end of the first part, the students had a test, the successful passing of which earned them the right to participate in the second part of the summer school in Bucharest. In the second part of the summer school, the students were first introduced to case studies and the problems they had to solve through their projects. Each of the project partners developed their own case study based on feedback from students who attended the first summer school. Student teams were made up of male and female students from different countries with the aim of increasing diversity and internationalization.

Every day, the students presented the progress in their projects with the mentoring of each of the project partners.

On the last day of the summer school, all student teams presented their project solutions and were awarded certificates of participation and winning 4 ECTS points.

Our students were extremely satisfied with the held summer school and stated the following:

Ana Škarica

Participating in the DEMO project allowed me to gain new experiences, meet colleagues from various European countries, and broaden my knowledge and perspectives. The online component was flexible and useful, providing a general introduction to the projects we worked on in Bucharest in international teams. The projects were interesting, and we had the freedom to choose our own topics, which I particularly enjoyed as we developed our own business ideas and tackled challenges from four European countries simultaneously, all while having fun. Of course, the socializing and networking at the end of each day was also a great aspect.

Barbara Krasić: 

The Erasmus+ DEMO Summer School in Bucharest was an excellent and highly beneficial experience. Through active participation and working on project activities, I gained new knowledge and skills. Working with students from other countries helped me navigate multicultural environments better, and working in English improved my communication skills. The project helped me acquire new knowledge and skills that will be useful for my further education and future development.

Tara Nikolić: 

The entire experience was exceptional, starting with the online segment that laid a solid foundation for the Bucharest Summer School. The presentations were both informative and fascinating, with each lecturer diving deep into their specialized fields, providing a rich background on various topics. Additionally, the interactive segments of lectures encouraged active participation from all attendees, enabling the exchange of ideas and experiences. The best part of the summer school were lectures and socializing with other students from different countries. The tasks we received were well-structured and presented real-life problems and opportunities. Additionally, there was a certain level of freedom that allowed us to personalize our projects and share our ideas about what is missing in the world of platforms and which platform would be useful. Furthermore, we had the opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions with teams from other countries, which further enriched our knowledge and contributed to the creation of new friendships.

Juraj Belajec: 

Participating in an Erasmus+ exchange and working on a project during the DEMO summer school was an experience that enriched my knowledge. The online lessons were interesting and fun to follow, and the work on the project itself tested my knowledge and abilities. In addition to the important experience, I got the opportunity to meet students from various parts of Europe and enjoy Bucharest!

The duration of the project is from January 1st, 2022. until December 31st, 2024.

The project was financed through the Erasmus+ program, and the project budget is € 188.661,00, and the share of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics is € 40.217,00.

You can find a photo gallery from the summer school held below the text...

Erasmus+ DEMO summer school Bucharest