Interactive workshop on Artificial Intelligence in higher education held as part of the AI-HED project

A two-day workshop on artificial intelligence-based tools in the context of higher education, held on February 26 and March 5, 2025, gathered over 100 educators from four partner institutions in the Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, and Portugal. The workshop is part of the Erasmus+ project AI-HED – Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, in which the University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics is one of the partners.

On the first day of the workshop, two lectures were held:

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Full Prof. Markus Schatten from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics presented the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and an overview of the latest trends in AI development. Participants were introduced to AI applications, particularly in the educational context.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Learning and Teaching ProcessesAssist. Prof. Bogdan Okreša Đurić from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics discussed the role of AI tools in higher education, presenting relevant case studies and concrete examples of AI usage at partner institutions. Participants discussed the pedagogical impact of AI tools and various teaching methods and approaches in the digital age.

In addition to these two lectures, the first day also featured a practical workshop where participants, guided by local mentors, tested selected AI tools. Teams were formed, expectations were set, and participants had the opportunity to experiment with AI technologies in an educational setting.

On the second day, a third lecture was held:

  • Ethics, Philosophy, and Regulations of Artificial IntelligenceSander van der Waal, director of Waag Future Lab from the Netherlands, gave a lecture on the ethical, philosophical and legal aspects of artificial intelligence. Participants discussed key ethical and legal challenges related to the use of AI tools.

The workshop concluded with team project presentations, where participants showcased their ideas and applications of AI tools in education.

The AI-HED workshop was conducted in a hybrid format (with online education while participants from different institutions gathered on-site). These sessions enabled educators to gain new knowledge and insights into the possibilities of AI tools in modern education, as well as to network and share experiences.

The AI-HED – Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning project began in September 2024 and will last until August 2026, coordinated by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), Netherlands. The Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) is participating as one of the partners, alongside the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna (Austria) and the Polytechnic University of Lisbon (Portugal). The project receives funding of €250,000 from the Erasmus+ programme.

The research team leader at FOI is Assist. Prof. Bogdan Okreša Đurić, and the project's goal is to explore, test and conceptualize the impact of AI on teaching and learning; enhance the skills, competencies, and attitudes of educators towards using AI tools in teaching; improve students' skills, competencies and attitudes in using AI tools for learning; and develop recommendations for higher education institutions on integrating AI tools into teaching and learning.

For more information, visit the project’s official website and subscribe to the newsletter to receive the latest updates on project activities and results, as well as on the use of AI tools in higher education.

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