
Project pitches held at CECIIS 2022 conference

On Thursday, the 22nd September 2022, 14 project pitches were held live at CECIIS 2022 conference from 10.30 till 11.30. The response and interest was great since the main goal of the activity was to present the opportunity for the creation of…

Project meetings held at CECIIS 2022 conference

As part of the CECIIS conference, project meetings for members of the project team were held for the projects DEMO - Digital Platform Enterprise, HELA - Raising the maturity of higher education institutions for the implementation of learning…

Project Pitches on CECIIS conference

On CECIIS conference as part of the project section project pitches will be held, as a great opportunity to introduce results, research field and to connect with other researchers for future project ideas and cooperation.


As part of the CECIIS conference, project meetings for members of the project team will be held for the projects DEMO - Digital Platform Enterprise, HELA - Raising the maturity of higher education institutions for the implementation of learning…

ARC II project partners meeting held

9 September 2022 – The Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency, the coordinator of the ARC II project, organized the first meeting with the project partners: the Italian Data Protection Supervisory Authority (Garante Privacy), the Faculty of…

LaUNCH with MOOCs - join us at CECIIS 2022

We invite you to join us on a CECIIS 2022 parallel working lunch event in Dubrovnik with experts from RAPIDE and eDESK projects to discuss and engage in MOOC design and production. The event will be held on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 13:30 - 15…

Join us this September at CECIIS 2022 in Dubrovnik

The aim of the Conference is to be the interface of researchers involved in the development and application of methods and techniques in the field of information and intelligent systems. The Conference program includes invited lecturers, contributed…

ARC II project has started

The Faculty of Organization and Informatics is one of the partners on the project “ARC II - Awareness Raising Campaign for SMEs II” alongside a Belgian partner - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Italian partners Universita degli Studi di Firenze and…

FOI allotted 3 million HRK to further develop innovations in the learning design

The Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, has been approved a new international Erasmus+ project with the role of the coordinator! The project titled “Innovating Learning Design in Higher Education” (iLed) is led by Full…

FOI to start with newly approved projects soon

The Faculty of Organization and Information is soon starting with the implementation of the newly approved projects financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, Digital Europe programme, Erasmus+ programme…