
HRZZ: Extension of the application deadline for Open Calls

We are sharing the announcement from the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) regarding the extension of the application deadline for the IP-2025-02, UIP-2025-02, and DOK-2025-02 calls.

COST Actions Info Day

Researchers and innovators across all career stages and fields are invited to join an online COST Actions Info Day session on 18 February 2025.

HRZZ: Informational workshops for open calls

The Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), in collaboration with scientific organizations, is organizing informational workshops for applicants to the currently open calls: Research Projects (IP-2025-02), Installation Research Projects (UIP-2025-02),…

Croatian Science Foundation – Open Calls IP, UIP and DOK

The Croatian Science Foundation has opened calls for proposals within three programs: Research Projects (deadline IP-2025-02), Installation Research Projects (deadline UIP-2025-02), and Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training of New…

The Erasmus+ SuMoS project kick-off meeting was held

From 16 to 18 December 2024, the Erasmus+ SuMoS project kick-off meeting, fully titled Strengthening the ecosystem for sustainable student mobility, was held, organized by the project coordinator, the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization…

Kick-off Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project My Robot, My LearnMate

On Thursday and Friday, December 12 and 13, 2024, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project My Robot, My LearnMate was held. This project brings together experts from various fields with the aim of developing innovative solutions for the…

DECIDE project meeting held in Novi Sad

The meeting of the Interreg Danube project DECIDE took place in Novi Sad, Serbia, on the 27th and 28th of November 2024.

HELA - Field research at UOC

As part of the research project HELA – Improving HEI maturity to implement learning analytics (IP-2020-02-5071), funded by the Croatian Science Foundation, planned field research activities have continued, this time at the Open University of…

The Pannon Stories project is entering its final phase

The University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics (UNIZG FOI), in cooperation with project partners – VTV Varaždinska televizija d.o.o. (Croatia), PRAK d.o.o. (Slovenia), Szentgotthárd Városi Televízió és Kábelüzemeltető Nonprofit Kft…

DigEntre – Dr. Mark Thomas (GEM) Holds Workshop on Scientific Methods in…

On November 11, 2024, the University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics (UNIZG FOI) hosted Dr. Mark Thomas, a researcher and expert from the prestigious Grenoble École de Management (GEM) in France, for a workshop held as part of the…