
New booklet of active FOI projects published

On December 13, 2023, a new booklet of active FOI projects was published.

Final conference of the project ORKAN

Final conference of the project ORKAN: Experts from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics have designed an application solution for controlling the constellation of drones and locating a pilot intruder drone

Final conference of the ORKAN project to be held at SUZG FOI

On Thursday and Friday, October 19-20, 2023, the University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics (UNIZG FOI) will host the final conference of the „ORKAN - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Policy Ecosystem“ project.

The Open Science Autumn

From October 24 to November 20, 2023, the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC), will organize a series of online workshops and panels called The Open Science Autumn.

Project pitches and sponsors presentation at CECIIS 2023

Within the 34th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems - CECIIS 2023, a short presentation of international projects -"Project pitches" was held, within which the Bloxberg consortium and sponsors of the…

CECIIS 2023 project pitches

We are happy to remind you about an exciting opportunity at this year's Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS) 2023. As part of our highly anticipated project section, we invite you to register and showcase…

WAI4PwDs – Final project results and outcomes

Read the final project results and outcomes for the Europe for Citizens Project “WAI4PwDs- Web Accessibility and Other Initiatives for Persons with Disabilities in EU in Pandemic and other Crisis Times”.

Happy holidays

Center for International Projects (CMP) wishes all project partners and associates happy holidays, filled with peace, happiness and abundance.

BDP tool poster at Srce DEI 2023 conference

Research group from the Learning Analytics Laboratory, Full. Prof. Blaženka Divjak, Ph.D. (Head of the Laboratory), Darko Grabar and Petra Vondra, are authors of the „Balanced Design Planning (BDP) tool“ poster, which was presented at the Days of e-…

HELA poster at Srce DEI 2023 conference

On Wednesday, 29 March 2023, during this year's Days of e-Infrastructure, University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb (Srce DEI 2023) conference, a poster with the results achieved in the first two years of the research project IP-2020-02…